The Finance department mainly deals with the Sacco financial management. The society finances are composed of members' savings, loans to members, society equity and reserves as well as investments.
Finance department manages the finances by sound accounting systems and records, accurate reporting and investment decision based on international accounting systems/principles.
The department has 3 sections in operation in order to achieve society's objectives; Accounts section, Ledger (MPA) section and FOSA section. Each division is headed by a section Head who reports to the Finance Manager
The Internal Audit and Risk Management Department has the responsibility to ensure compliance with all rules, regulations, policies, and statutes pertaining to Hazina Sacco Society's physical and financial assets. In addition, the Internal Audit provides an independent, objective assurance and consulting activity designed to add value and improve the society's operations. Most importantly, the Internal Audit helps the society accomplish its objectives by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk management, internal controls and good governance
The Internal Audit Risk Management Department is headed by the Audit and Risk Management Officer who carries out audit in line with Annual audit plan and Audit programs and reports the findings to the Board through the Audit and Risk Management Committee for implementation. The Audit and Risk Management committee has the authority to conduct any audits, reviews, or carry out special requests or investigate any matters within its scope of responsibilities with or without prior notice to management and/or external parties.
The Section was set up with a mission of steering the Society's business growth through development and continuous reviews of business strategies, implementation, monitoring and evaluation. It fosters development through the society's businesses and drives marketing activities towards promotion of products and services to both existing and potential prospective members.
The section is equally charged with the responsibility of directing external public relations and customer service activities that are meant for ensuring projection of the society's positive image as well as provision of quality customer service
The goals and guidelines set by the department are by design in line with the vision and Mission of the Sacco. The department studies the market and the members, and then determines the best way to reach these members, and work with the rest of the Sacco to help determine the new product needs of the market.
The following are core activities/responsibilities of marketing Section;
Set the strategy, plan the attack and execute
One of the key activities for the marketing section is to integrate the Sacco's goals, strengths, competitive environment, target markets, pricing and products into a marketing strategy. As part of the strategy, the marketing department develops a list of tactical ideas such as direct mail, print and electronics advertising and other strategies. With a strategy and tactical ideas in hand, the marketing department is now ready to take on the responsibility of executing the programs and initiatives to drive sales and revenue for the organization.
Member care
Marketers spend time listening to our members (and prospective members)in order to understand their needs and wants regarding a particular product or service. Soliciting thoughts and input from internal stakeholders such as sales staffs and member service staff is also necessary as this staffs are typically closest to the members.
Communicate internally
It is important that the marketing section communicates with all departments inside an organization .Since any employee (regardless of position) can support (or damage)a brand, the marketing section takes responsibility for disseminating information throughout the organization(this includes internal education and training when appropriate).
Human Resource Section deals with managing the organization's most valuable assets, the employees. The Department focuses on managing employees relationship within Hazina Sacco Society. Specifically, it involves use of society's employees in achieving the organization's strategic business objectives and satisfaction of individual employee needs.
The society need to recognize that Human Resource exists to contribute to organizational effectiveness. That means Human Resource is not an end itself; it is only a means to assist the organization with its primary objective.
Human Resource Department ensures to assist employees achieve their personal goals and individual contribution to Hazina Sacco Society. In so doing HR department ensures that right employees are recruited retained and motivated hence improvement in performance and satisfaction.
The section is currently headed by a Human Resource and Administration officer whose role extends to ensuring that the Society's Assets are utilized to achieve Society objectives.
The Section has the objectives to achieve high levels of efficiency and effectiveness in serving its members in keeping abreast with modern technological trends by ensuring information needs of the society such as security, reliability, accuracy and timeliness for effective management of information.
ICT Section is headed by Systems Administrator and his Assistant.
Functions of the Department
- Performs loan processing
- Perform appraisal of loans and work out members entitlement
- Recommend loan applications
- Prepare files for loan approvals to the Credit Committee
- Attend to members queries on Loan applications
- Advice on demands for loans to Management
- Advice members on whose applications have been deferred
- Attending to member correspondence